Join us at the Nasher Sculpture Center and the Dallas Museum of Art for Meaningful Moments art workshops. This program provides a nurturing environment for adults ages 45+ who experience chronic, life-threatening, or degenerative illness, or early to mid-stages of dementia, along with their care partners. Come and experience a harmonious fusion of social interaction, artistic engagement, and mindful activities, guided by our dedicated and trained museum staff.
Dates and times vary by location. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information or to register. Note that spaces are limited and if we are not able to accommodate your request, you will be added to a waiting list.
Criteria for Participation
- Diagnosis of early- to mid-stage Alzheimer's disease, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, or serious medical condition such as Parkinson's disease, chronic pain, immunodeficiency, or cancer.
- Independently mobile
- Able to handle all self-care needs (continent / able to use the bathroom by themselves)
- Able to verbalize needs
- Able to participate in group activities
- Able to follow simple directions
- Not exhibiting aggressive behaviors
- Not exhibiting wandering behaviors
Each individual will visit the group on a trial basis for the first time to determine if they will benefit from the program.
Crafted in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association Dallas and Northeast Texas Chapter.